Coconut Panna Cotta

Na Pali Coast, Kauai HI

Na Pali Coast, Kauai HI

1 T. powdered gelatin
1 can (15 oz.) coconut cream
1 can (13.5 oz.) coconut milk
2 c. heavy cream, chilled
¼ c. confectioner’s sugar
Pour coconut cream and coconut milk into medium saucepan; sprinkle surface evenly with gelatin and let stand 10 mins. to hydrate gelatin.  Prepare ice bath in large bowl with 2 trays of ice cubes and 4 c. cold water.   Place cupcake liners in two muffin pans.  Heat coconut and gelatin mixture over high heat, stirring constantly,  until gelatin is dissolved and mixture registers 135 degrees F. (about 1 ½ mins.).   Off heat, add sugar.  Slowly pour cream into saucepan containing coconut mixture, stirring constantly.  Transfer to medium bowl and set bowl over ice water bath.  Stir frequently until thickened to the consistency of egg nog and mixture registers 50 degrees. F.  Strain mixture into large measuring cup or pitcher, then distribute evenly into lined muffin pans.  Cover with plastic wrap, refrigerate until just set, about 4 hours.  (Mixture should wobble when shaken gently.)  Serve with mango lilikoi syrup.

Mango Lilikoi Syrup
1 c. Aunty Lilikoi’s passion fruit syrup
1 T. Aunty Lilikoi’s passion fruit mango butter

Whisk ingredients together.

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